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SAML 2.0 / OAuth / SSO Setup

Configuring SAML 2.0, OAuth, and SSO Setup in Assettix

Assettix simplifies user authentication by offering seamless integration with SAML 2.0, OAuth, and Single Sign-On (SSO). To embark on this journey, connect with our dedicated support team or success manager for a hassle-free setup.

Step 1: Reach Out to Assettix Support Team

1.1 Login to Assettix: Start by logging into your Assettix account using your credentials.

1.2 Access Support Options: Navigate to the support section within the Assettix dashboard. Look for a “Contact Support” or Our team can help you setup the integration seamlessly and get your sync up and running, drop an email to

Step 2: Communicate with Your Success Manager

2.1 Success Manager Contact: If you have a designated success manager, reach out to them directly for personalized assistance.

2.2 Request SAML 2.0, OAuth, or SSO Setup: Clearly communicate your intent to set up SAML 2.0, OAuth, or Single Sign-On. Provide any necessary details requested by your success manager.
