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GoDaddy - SSL Certificate

1. Effortless Syncing: A Security Prelude

Initiate a security revolution by seamlessly syncing your SSL certificates from GoDaddy with Assettix. Effortless and secure, this integration paves the way for a new era in SSL certificate management.

2. Real-time Assurance: SSL Certificates, Always Current

Experience the peace of mind that comes with Assettix. Say goodbye to outdated SSL certificate information as real-time updates ensure that your certificates are consistently aligned between GoDaddy and Assettix.

3. Efficiency Meets Security: Centralized Certificate Management

Unlock the full potential of SSL certificate management with Assettix. Manage your certificates centrally, ensuring that your online security measures are robust, efficient, and always up-to-date.


How to sync SSL Certificates from GoDaddy account.

Assettix uses your GoDaddy API key to fetch and update the domain status on a weekly basis. The sync ensures that all the information related to your particular domains in the GoDaddy account are stored and transmited securely over end to end encryption.

Login > Integrations > SSL Sync

You can get the API key and API Secret from GoDaddy Developer console or you can click on the link below to generate a key and add that to your assettix domain sync.

Get your API Key and Secret from GoDaddy Portal -